Thursday, August 30, 2012

Socrates and the Socratic Method

Today in class we went over Socrates and the Socratic Method. Socrates was a Greek philosopher who didn't believe that the gods caused everything like everyone else did. Socrates would walk around the polis talking tot he young people. Socrates was eventually charged for not believing in the gods and also for the corruption of youth. Socrates went to court and was accused guilty. He was sentenced to death. To make him die, they make him drink, hemlock, which is a poison. If you drink hemlock, its causing you to stop breathing and causing a very painful death. After the jury, the Socratic Method was formed. The Socratic method is a form of debate  based on asking and answering questions to illuminate ideas. This method makes people start thinking about what ideas are good and what ideas are bad. It makes you think critically. This method is a great way to helps you think critically about what you are trying to figure out.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Letter to Garcia

Today in class we read a short story called "A Letter to Garcia". A man named Rowan was told to give a letter to this maned named Garcia. Garcia was missing somewhere in the mountains of Cuba. Rowan didn't question why he had to do it, he just did it. Eventually Rowan found Garcia and gave him the letter. This short story shows us that if you just do what you are told and don't question what you are suppose to do, you will get it done. But if you do question what you are suppose to do and ask why you have to do it, you'll never do what you are suppose to. It also shows us that if we set are mind to it we can do anything. But if you ask questions and don't do it, it shows how lazy you are. In this world today, people are always asking why they have to do it, instead of just doing it and getting it over with. If you just do it, it also shows how tough you are. In this world today, it is the survival of the fittest. Only the people that have determination will be successful in life.
-Arete: making good character, excellence of any kind
-Polis: an ancient Greek city-state, means citizenship
-Socrate: Anthenian Philosopher
-The death of Socrate: Socrate was charged for being unreligious. He was convicted and sentenced to death.
-Socratic Method: form of debate based on asking questions to illuminate ideas.
-the date 508 BC: an athenian democracy formed
-agora: a gathering place in a Greek city-state
-what did the ancient Greeks mean if they called you an idiot? that you were selfish

Monday, August 27, 2012

Syllabus and Rules for Class

Today in class we did a lot of things. Some of the things we did were get assigned seats.We also found out what we need to bring to class everyday. We need to bring our computer, our notebook, an open mind, and the ability to read and write creatively. We also went over the class syllabus and the rules. First we went over the grading scale and learned how many points are given for each thing we do. Second, I learned that if I am playing games in class and get caught, it's a detention right away. I now know not to play games in class. Third, I also learned that if I turn in a paper late its ten percent off each day that it's late. Also that if the paper is later than four days we automatically get a zero but we have to turn the paper in anyway. Finally, we also went over what we should do when we are absent. If I am absent, I now know that all i have to do is ask what I missed that day and do it. All these things that I learned today are very good to know so I can be successful in this class.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

1st day of school

My first day of school was great. I learned where most of my classes were and where my locker was. I also got to meet most of my teachers which was good too. Its was great to see all the people I already knew from my old school, but it was even better to see all the new people that I didn't know. John Carroll is much bigger than my old school. It has a lot more classrooms and my old school only had two floors where John Carroll has three. The only problem that I had was that I can't open my locker! Hopefully I will get better at it as the year goes on. It was also good to learn how my schedule works and how the bell schedule works too. I like how instead of classrooms or homerooms, John Carroll has advisory. I'm looking forward to the football games, pep rallies, and all the after school activities. I'm sure it will be a very exciting year. I'm very glad that i choose John Carroll has my high school.