Monday, August 27, 2012

Syllabus and Rules for Class

Today in class we did a lot of things. Some of the things we did were get assigned seats.We also found out what we need to bring to class everyday. We need to bring our computer, our notebook, an open mind, and the ability to read and write creatively. We also went over the class syllabus and the rules. First we went over the grading scale and learned how many points are given for each thing we do. Second, I learned that if I am playing games in class and get caught, it's a detention right away. I now know not to play games in class. Third, I also learned that if I turn in a paper late its ten percent off each day that it's late. Also that if the paper is later than four days we automatically get a zero but we have to turn the paper in anyway. Finally, we also went over what we should do when we are absent. If I am absent, I now know that all i have to do is ask what I missed that day and do it. All these things that I learned today are very good to know so I can be successful in this class.

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