Friday, December 14, 2012

Exam Review

Today in class we finished reviewing for the exam. the exam is going to be on the first day, second exam. There is a lot of information on this exam that I cannot remember because we learned it so early in the year. I really need to start reviewing it! This exam is worth 150 points. Hopefully I will get a good grade on it so it wont bring my grade down. I have all the information that I need on my blog and on you blog so I have exactly what I need. I also have the entire study guide of what is on the test also so that is really helpful! I am going to review all the weekend and I will hopefully get a good grade on this test. I can't wait until all the exams are done si Christmas break can start! Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Starting to Review for the Midterm

Today in class we talked about the Midterm. This midterm is on the first day but it is the second test we will take that day. We just started going over the midterm today and the test is on Monday! Everything we need to know is on your blog under "Links that don't Stink". Today we talked about some stuff that I really need to review because I didn't remember anything that we were talking about! We talked about some stuff today including Socrates. Socrates was a Greek philosopher who walked around the town that he lived in asking questions to get people to start thinking critically. The government considered this to be bothering the youth. Socrates also didn't believe in the gods like the other people did. The government didn't like this also so Socrates was then arrested and put to death by drinking a poison called Hemlock. Hemlock caused you to stop breathing and caused a very painful death. Socrates' method of getting people to start thinking critically is now called the Socratic Method.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Presentation Day

Today in class each group presented their presentation. There were five groups in my class. Each person in the class was given a piece of paper with each group's name on it. After each presentation each person graded the other groups on how you think they did. We even had to grade our own! I thought all the groups did pretty well so I gave everyone pretty good grade. No on got below an 80 when I graded them so I think that is pretty good. I think my presentation turned out pretty well but we forgot a few things. We forgot to put an ad on the presentation so that's a pretty big mistake but it's okay. We made it up with the other things that we provided  on the presentation. Since I watched the other presentations, I learned a few interesting facts about the products that they chose. These presentation will come in mind the next time I buy one of the products that the other groups presented.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today's Class

On Friday's class we were told that we will have to present a presentation on either an American made product or a foreign made product. Each group got to choose out of a hat what topic they will be presenting. My group got foreign made product. We choose the iPhone. The iPhone is designed in the United States but is made in China. We are trying to figure out why Apple would want to have their product made in China instead of the United States. We are also have to compare the iPhone to a product that is made here in the United States. We also learned that some Apple products are actually starting to be made in the United States, like some of their computer. This is interesting because most of their stuff is made in China even though it was designed in California. We have to finish this presentation by Wednesday because that is when we are presenting it. We don't have class tomorrow so we have to do it on our own. Hopefully we will have it done by Wednesday so we can present our project. Wish us luck!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Today's Class

Today in class we finished the YouTube video called "People's Republic of Capitalism 3". We also were told that we will be having to present a project on an object either made in a foreign country or made in the United States. Every group got to pick out of a hat to see if they would have an object made in the United States or an Cheap Foreign object. My group got the cheap foreign object. For our object, we chose the iPhone. This object was designed in California but it was made in China. We are trying to find out why Apple chose to have their product made in China instead of in America. I think it is because it is cheaper labor over there so they don't have to pay as much. But i will soon know the real reason why they chose to have their object made in China even though it was designed here in the United States.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today's Class

During class today we watched a YouTube video called "People's Republic of Capitalism 3". this video was mostly about Chinese people buying cars for the first time. These Chinese people are around thirty and forty years old and this is the FIRST time that they are buying or even driving  a car. In America, most people start driving around the age of sixteen and sometimes they even get their first car during that time. The Chinese don't buy cars when they are younger because they save up the money that they need to buy the car. They do this because if they buy a car and lose their job, then they won't be able to pay for the car. In America, it is much different. People in America buy the car even if they don't have all the money right away because they pay it off over the years. Also eight out of ten people in China pay with cash to buy their first car. This is also much different from the United States. In the United States, people don't even carry that much cash with them. The Americans usually pay with a credit card. So this proves that China and America are two totally different countries.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Definitions and Today's Class

capitalism: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit. The word capitalism is now quite commonly used to describe the social system in which we now live. In capitalism, you own your own business or you work for someone who owns their own business. Maintained by private individuals or corporations. 

communism: a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. classless. suppose to be fair. suppose to let people have enough money but not an enormous amount. 

free enterprise: An economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control. Free enterprise is also an economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership

free market: An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses. Free market is also know as market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government control. 

Monday, December 3, 2012