Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today's Class

During class today we watched a YouTube video called "People's Republic of Capitalism 3". this video was mostly about Chinese people buying cars for the first time. These Chinese people are around thirty and forty years old and this is the FIRST time that they are buying or even driving  a car. In America, most people start driving around the age of sixteen and sometimes they even get their first car during that time. The Chinese don't buy cars when they are younger because they save up the money that they need to buy the car. They do this because if they buy a car and lose their job, then they won't be able to pay for the car. In America, it is much different. People in America buy the car even if they don't have all the money right away because they pay it off over the years. Also eight out of ten people in China pay with cash to buy their first car. This is also much different from the United States. In the United States, people don't even carry that much cash with them. The Americans usually pay with a credit card. So this proves that China and America are two totally different countries.

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