Thursday, December 13, 2012

Starting to Review for the Midterm

Today in class we talked about the Midterm. This midterm is on the first day but it is the second test we will take that day. We just started going over the midterm today and the test is on Monday! Everything we need to know is on your blog under "Links that don't Stink". Today we talked about some stuff that I really need to review because I didn't remember anything that we were talking about! We talked about some stuff today including Socrates. Socrates was a Greek philosopher who walked around the town that he lived in asking questions to get people to start thinking critically. The government considered this to be bothering the youth. Socrates also didn't believe in the gods like the other people did. The government didn't like this also so Socrates was then arrested and put to death by drinking a poison called Hemlock. Hemlock caused you to stop breathing and caused a very painful death. Socrates' method of getting people to start thinking critically is now called the Socratic Method.

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