Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Presentation Day

Today in class each group presented their presentation. There were five groups in my class. Each person in the class was given a piece of paper with each group's name on it. After each presentation each person graded the other groups on how you think they did. We even had to grade our own! I thought all the groups did pretty well so I gave everyone pretty good grade. No on got below an 80 when I graded them so I think that is pretty good. I think my presentation turned out pretty well but we forgot a few things. We forgot to put an ad on the presentation so that's a pretty big mistake but it's okay. We made it up with the other things that we provided  on the presentation. Since I watched the other presentations, I learned a few interesting facts about the products that they chose. These presentation will come in mind the next time I buy one of the products that the other groups presented.

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