Monday, October 15, 2012

Cultural Geography:Ethnic Heritage and Religion

Today in class we talked about ethnic heritage and religion around the world. There are many ethnic groups around the world. For an example, the United States and Switzerland merged ethnic groups. But in Africa, Rwanda and Burundi are the two main ethnic groups. They don't like each other because both of them believe that they should be the main ethnic group. This problem led to war. Another example is Korea and Japan. They have one ethnic group. We also talked about religion. Religion can be a unifying or dis-unifying force. Religion can bring people together. For an example, if you are Christian you come together for baptisms or weddings or even for funerals. But religion can also be a bad thing. If two different religions don't  get along, this might start problems which isn't good. There are five main religions. They are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Today we talked a little about Christianity. As it saying in my other post, Christianity was founded after Jesus' death. Christianity began because Jesus' followers spread his word about the teachings he taught them.

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