Saturday, September 29, 2012

More about God Grew Tired of Us

During Friday's class, we watched more of the movie, God Grew Tired of Us. We learned more about Panther's, John's, and Daniel's lives in the United States. All the boys that came to the United States have to pay back the money that the US used to get them to America. So all the boys got jobs. Some of them got more than one. Like John for an example. John's first job is in a gasket factory. His second job was at McDonald's. At McDonald's, his job is to flip burger which he didn't know what to do. So he had to learn. Daniel got a job at a bank. Panther got a job in a hotel has a bus boy and he also got to serve tables. The boys always travel in groups but when people complain to the police that the boys traveling in groups scares them, they have to stop traveling in groups and only travel in twos or threes. John was going to go to school but when he gets a letter from his mom and dad, who he has been looking for, saying that all of his brothers and sisters have a disease and are naked,  he realizes that it is more important to make money and send it to them so they get better. This movie inspires me a lot because it had taught me to realize how much I actually have.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us: Continued

Today in class we continued watching the film: God Grew Tired of Us. Some things we learned today are how the refuge camp that they were living in provided them with clothes, food, and a limited addition of education. They learned math, science, and all the basic subjects. We learned more about how the Lost Boys of Sudan lived there lives. During the part of the movie we watched today, some of the boys got the opportunity to go to the United States to make a living. Two of the boys named Daniel and Panther got the chance to go to Pittsburgh. Another boy named John got to go to New York. We got to watch them learn how to use the lights in the houses they were living in and how to use everything that was new to them. They didn't know what to eat or how to cook anything because it was all new to them. I can't wait to see more of the movie and find out how they learn to live in the United States.

God Grew Tired of Us

Today in class we got our tests back. I did okay but I should have done better. Next time I will get a better grade. We also started watching the movie "God Grew Tired of Us". This short movie is about what happen to the people of Sudan when the Sudan Civil War started. This war started in 1983 and ended in 2005. It was between the North and South. This movie is mostly about how boys, around the ages of five through fifteen, had to change there whole lifestyle. How they had to get up and move to different places because of this war. These boys had to take care of each other because their parents either died or went in different direction from them. The government said that all young men must be killed. At this time, all the boys started fleeing their home lands. Since these boys would travel together in a huge group, they then became know as the Lost Boys of Sudan. None of them ever want to return to Sudan because they are scared of what could happen. The boys ended up in a refuge camp in Kenya. They only imagined that they would be there for a few a months but they never thought it would be longer.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Sudan Civil War

Today we had a test which actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Half way through we finished the test and started talking about the Second Sudan Civil War. The Second Sudan Civil War began in 1983 and ended in 2005. It was a fight between the central Sudanese government and the people of Sudan's Liberation Army. Roughly two million people died as a result of this war. This is the most people during a war that have died since World War 2. A few factors that led up to this war such as natural resources and maybe even racial or religious discrimination. The people who lived in the south of Sudan had all the rich resources the central people didn't. 70% of Sudan's profits demanded on oil which the south had. Central Sudan is right next to the Sahara desert which supplies nothing. Also the south of Sudan uses the Nile River as a water source and uses it also to keep the soil fertile. As a result, the central Sudan got jealous and mad which is how the civil war began.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My presentation

During class today, my group gave our presentation. Our country was USA. I knew a lot about USA so this project was kinda easy. But I did learn things that i never knew. For example, I learned that we have an unemployment rate of 9%. The birth rate of the US is 13.68 births per every 1,000 of the population. The death rate is 8.39. The rate of natural increase or the death rate subtracted from the birth rate is 5.29. The net migration rate which t=is the number of people entering or leaving the country is 3.92.  I also learned that during the 19th and 20th centuries, all fifty states were added and they became the nation that we know today. Another fact is that the US is the third largest country in the world in size and population. The GDP per capita is 49,000. The United States is a develop country. In the USA today, 290 million people have cell phones. 245 million people also use the internet or have access to it. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012


During class today we went over three of the presentation that we were working on in class yesterday. Today we went over Thailand, Nigeria, and Italy. I learned some facts about each of these countries. Here are some facts that I learned. Thailand's population is 67,091,089. Thailand has a birth rate of 12,81, which is pretty normal. In Nigeria, there are 170,123,740 people.They are ranked the seventh country in the world with the highest number of people. Nigeria is second din the world for the most deaths from AIDS/HIV diseases. Also the net migration rate is -0.22. In Italy, the birth rate is 9.06 births and the death rate is 9.93. Italy has a population of 61,261,254. They are the 23 country in the word with the highest population. I'm glad that I found more things out about these three countries. I can't wait to learn more about the next countries that we will go over.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Power Point Project

Today in class we started making a power point with a group about a specific country. My group's country was the US. We each got a different part about the US to write about. My part was the population. I had to include the facts like "What is the population?" and "what is the birth rate?" I also include what the death rate is, what the rate of natural increase is, what the net migration rate is, and what the unemployment rate is. I learned that the population of the US is 313,847,465. I also learned that the birth rate is 13.68 and the death rate is 8.39. The rate of natural increase is 5.29. The net migration rate is 3.62. I also found out the English is the most popular language with a rate of 82.1%. I also found that the unemployment rate is 17.6%, which I think is very interesting. I can't wait to find out more about the US.

Monday, September 17, 2012

about the world today

Today in class we talked about the world. The world's population today is over seven billion people. The population is increasing by 77 million per year. 90% of the world's population takes place in the developing countries such as Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America. The life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. Males born in this year are approximately  going to live to be about 76 and women are going to live to be about 81. The average age between men and women is about 78 years. We also talked about the net migration rate in the world today. The net migration rate is the difference between the number of people entering and leaving the country during a year. In the U.S today the net migration rate is 3.62, there are 49 other countries that have a higher net migration rate. People migration for many different reasons. Some examples are: civil war, environmental degradation, unemployment, religious or ethnic persecution, better economic opportunity, religious freedom, and those are just a few of the reasons. Another thing we talked about was total fertility rate which is the average number of children born per women. If the rate is higher then 2.1, the population with rise. if it is lower than 2.1 it will fall.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Did you know 3.0

Today in class we went over a YouTube video called "Did you know 3.0." It is about things that are happening now and things that are going to happen in the future. One of the interesting facts is that if Facebook was a country it would be the third largest country. This means that there are more Facebook uses than there are people in the United States. Facebook has some pros and than it has some cons. Some pros to Facebook is that if you are on a team or in a group, you can make a "group" on Facebook so if you ever need to tell people from that group anything or find out anything you can look there. Also if you need to ask someone a question, you can write on their wall. Some cons to Facebook are bullying. People bully people all the time on Facebook and it isn't good. People also start drama all the time and it gets really annoying. People just need to mind their own business. Everyone has a different opinion of Facebook, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Class Discussion 9/13/12

Today in class we finished talking about the questions we answer in the previous blogs. We talked about how eleven out of the top twelve countries with the highest amount of deaths from HIVS/AIDS are from Africa. US is number eighteen in that list. I think that is a pretty high rank for the US on the list of most deaths from HIVS/AIDS. This means that most mothers and fathers that are having a baby have HIV or AIDS. This isn’t good. We also watched a YouTube video called “Did you know 3.0.” It is all about facts around the world. It is really interesting. One fact that caught my attention was that China will soon become the number one English speaking country. This caught my attention because US should be number one not China. Another interesting fact that caught my attention was that the top ten in-demand jobs in 2010 didn’t exist in 2004. This is interesting because that means new jobs are appearing every year. That means when I am looking for a job, there will be a ton more jobs than then there is now.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today's Class

Today in class we went over some of the questions we answered in the last blog. Some of the answers were very interesting. We also talked about how China has the greatest number of exports. This is because they have to send a lot of things to the US and other countries because it is cheaper to make it there and send it than it is to pay someone to make it in the US. Think about it, mostly everything that we have here in the US is made in China or some other country like China. Saudi Arabia exports more oil than any other country in the world but the United States imports more oil than any other country in the world.The United States also consumes more oil than any other country in the world. This is because in the United States, oil is what we run off of. At all times during the day, some where in the US people are using oil. Instead of oil, we should be using solar energy to do things. This would make the world a better and safer place.

Monday, September 10, 2012

25 Questions using CIA Factbook

1. What is the population of the United States?
2.What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
-The five largest countries in the world are China, India, United States, Indonesia, and Brazil.
3. What is the population of Pakistan?
4. What kind of government does the United States have?
- The United States has a constitution, based federal republic
5. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?
6.What is the largest country in the world, by area?
- Russia
7.  What country has the 3 third greatest number of airports?
- Mexico
8. What country has the greatest number of exports?
- China
9. What country exports more oil than any other?
-Saudi Arabia .
10. What country imports more oil than any other?
-United States.
11. What country consumes more oil than any other?
- United States
12. Can women serve combat roles in China's military?
13. What is GDP?
- gross domestic product
14. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?
-Liechtenstein and 141,100
15. Is the US in the top 10 for GDP per capita?
16. Most countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?
17. 11 of the top 12 with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in what continent?
18. What other country is in the top ten?
19. What does the US rate in HIV/AIDs deaths?
20. Is the US number 1 in number of cellular phones?
-no, they are number 3.
21. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?
-23.9 %
22. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
23. What is Net Migration Rate?
-the difference between the people entering and leaving a country.
24. Does the US have the highest Net migration rate in the world?
25. What is the current population of the entire planet?
-7.038 billion

-The two questions that were most important to me were "What does the US rate in HIV/AIDS deaths?", and "Is the US number 1 in number of cellular phone?". I thought that the first question I said was important because I don't like to see babies died because of a disease that the mother or father had. I thought the second question was interesting because a lot of people use cell phones these days and it was interesting to see that we are not the only country that uses them.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Evaluating Websites

Today we looked at different websites to see if each on was a good source for trying to find information on a topic for a research paper. The first website I looked at I thought looked like a good source to use if I was doing a research paper. I thought it was a good site because it gave you information on the history of the world. It had information on every historic event and the people that were involved in those events. The second website I looked at was a good source too, if you need information on the short story "A Message to Garcia". I thought that the third website I looked at wasn't the best source but it was an okay one. The fourth website was for little kids. So it wasn't a good website to find information on for a research paper. The fifth website I looked at was CNN. This website isn't a good source to find information because it's all opinions. There is not many real facts on that website. The sixth website was just like the fifth one, but it was New York Times. This website is a magazine so it isn't a good website to find information on either because it is coming from reporters. The seventh website was just like the fifth and sixth ones except it was a television channel called Fox. This website isn't a good website to look information on either because it might not be all real facts. The eighth website was Wikipedia. Wikipedia is good website to find information on but you have to make sure the information is real. The ninth website wasn't good for research information either, but if you need to know what to do for homework tonight, then that's the website you should check.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today in class we talked about Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a huge encyclopedic on the internet. It's a great source to use if you are trying to find information on any topic you are looking for, but it has its pros and cons. Some pros are that it gives you a lot of information on whatever topic you are trying to find. It also gives you resources to help you find more information or to look up certain information that you are so sure if it correct or not. It also gives you subtopics so if you want look up a smaller part of the topic that you are looking for you have those topics right there on the side. Also there are highlighted words in the paragraph that you are reading. If you click on those words, they give you more information on that word or what that word has to do with the topic. The cons are that anybody can go to Wikipedia and change the information on the topic. Most things on Wikipedia are correct but some are not. You always want to make sure that it is correct or you may get something wrong on a paper or whatever you are trying to find information for. Wikipedia is a great source to find information on but I would always check to see if the information on there is correct by checking another website or different resource.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay #3

Over the next four yeas of my high school career, there are some things I would like to accomplish. The first thing I would like to accomplish is getting good grades. I would like to get an a or a b in each of my classes each semester of each year. The next thing I would like to accomplish is being a leader in the sports that I will play. I'm going to play soccer and lacrosse during my years in high school. I hope I can be a leader in each of those. Going along with the sport thing, I hope I will be able to play in college. Hopefully, my high school career in sports will help me get into a college that will allow me to play sports that I like. The fourth thing that I would like to accomplish, going along with the college thing, is to get into a good college that I will enjoy. Hopefully, the college that I will end up in will have the job choice that I would like to pursue. Once I figure out what that job is I will start working on getting better at it each year. The fifth thing and final thing I would like to accomplish in my high school years is to have fun. I don't want to be one of those people that look back on their times in high school and say it was boring. I want to look back and think of all the good memories I had. Hopefully, I will be able to accomplish all of these things during my years in high school!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Essay #2

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time traveled to the present, they would recognize a lot of different things. They would realize how lazy people are today than they were back when they were alive. Elbert Hubbard would realize how people try to procrastinate so they don't have to do the things that they are asked to do. Most people today don't do what they are asked to do without asking questions about it or somehow they will try to get out of it. But today, there are also some people that would rather just get their job done quickly instead of asking questions. Socrates would find out how some people don't stand up for what they believe. Some people just go along with whatever someone else is saying instead of standing up and saying what they believe in like Socrates did when he was alive. But Socrates would also realize how some people do stand up for what they believe in and fight for what they want. I think they would be very surprised to find out how people ask so much differently than they did back when Elbert Hubbard and Socrates were alive.  

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Essay #1

My definition of arete is excellence and making good character. I think the ancient Greek demonstrated this quality because they came up with the type of government called democracy which we still use today. This government let any citizen say what they needed to and let them express how they feel about the issue or idea that they are talking about. Creating this type of government was a very big part of history. I think this demonstrates how the Greeks made good character. I also think Socrates is a demonstration of this definition too. Socrates would walk around helping the young people figure out their problems. I think this is a great example of good character. He also stood up for what he believed in even if he had to die. This is also a great example of good character. He is showing young people to stand up for what they believe in even if it means there is a consequence.

The date 508 BC

Today in class, we went over the date 508 BC and what happen on that day. In that year, Klisthenis came to power. Klisthenis made the first ever democracy. A democracy is a form of government that is ruled by the people. It enables the citizens to have a say in whatever is going on  This was a new way to do government. These meetings would take place in an agora. An agora is a small gathering place in the middle of a city-state. During these meeting, people would use the Socratic method to figure out ideas. Once it was time for a new ruler, people would vote. If you were able to vote but didn't the Greeks would call you an idiot. Their meaning of idiot is different then our meeting. Their meaning means that you are able to vote but don't. So they would call you an idiot. Our meaning means that you are not very smart. This is what we talked about during class today.