Saturday, September 22, 2012

My presentation

During class today, my group gave our presentation. Our country was USA. I knew a lot about USA so this project was kinda easy. But I did learn things that i never knew. For example, I learned that we have an unemployment rate of 9%. The birth rate of the US is 13.68 births per every 1,000 of the population. The death rate is 8.39. The rate of natural increase or the death rate subtracted from the birth rate is 5.29. The net migration rate which t=is the number of people entering or leaving the country is 3.92.  I also learned that during the 19th and 20th centuries, all fifty states were added and they became the nation that we know today. Another fact is that the US is the third largest country in the world in size and population. The GDP per capita is 49,000. The United States is a develop country. In the USA today, 290 million people have cell phones. 245 million people also use the internet or have access to it. 

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