Thursday, September 6, 2012

Evaluating Websites

Today we looked at different websites to see if each on was a good source for trying to find information on a topic for a research paper. The first website I looked at I thought looked like a good source to use if I was doing a research paper. I thought it was a good site because it gave you information on the history of the world. It had information on every historic event and the people that were involved in those events. The second website I looked at was a good source too, if you need information on the short story "A Message to Garcia". I thought that the third website I looked at wasn't the best source but it was an okay one. The fourth website was for little kids. So it wasn't a good website to find information on for a research paper. The fifth website I looked at was CNN. This website isn't a good source to find information because it's all opinions. There is not many real facts on that website. The sixth website was just like the fifth one, but it was New York Times. This website is a magazine so it isn't a good website to find information on either because it is coming from reporters. The seventh website was just like the fifth and sixth ones except it was a television channel called Fox. This website isn't a good website to look information on either because it might not be all real facts. The eighth website was Wikipedia. Wikipedia is good website to find information on but you have to make sure the information is real. The ninth website wasn't good for research information either, but if you need to know what to do for homework tonight, then that's the website you should check.

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