Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Power Point Project

Today in class we started making a power point with a group about a specific country. My group's country was the US. We each got a different part about the US to write about. My part was the population. I had to include the facts like "What is the population?" and "what is the birth rate?" I also include what the death rate is, what the rate of natural increase is, what the net migration rate is, and what the unemployment rate is. I learned that the population of the US is 313,847,465. I also learned that the birth rate is 13.68 and the death rate is 8.39. The rate of natural increase is 5.29. The net migration rate is 3.62. I also found out the English is the most popular language with a rate of 82.1%. I also found that the unemployment rate is 17.6%, which I think is very interesting. I can't wait to find out more about the US.

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