Thursday, September 27, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us

Today in class we got our tests back. I did okay but I should have done better. Next time I will get a better grade. We also started watching the movie "God Grew Tired of Us". This short movie is about what happen to the people of Sudan when the Sudan Civil War started. This war started in 1983 and ended in 2005. It was between the North and South. This movie is mostly about how boys, around the ages of five through fifteen, had to change there whole lifestyle. How they had to get up and move to different places because of this war. These boys had to take care of each other because their parents either died or went in different direction from them. The government said that all young men must be killed. At this time, all the boys started fleeing their home lands. Since these boys would travel together in a huge group, they then became know as the Lost Boys of Sudan. None of them ever want to return to Sudan because they are scared of what could happen. The boys ended up in a refuge camp in Kenya. They only imagined that they would be there for a few a months but they never thought it would be longer.

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