Sunday, November 4, 2012

Class Today

During class today we went over all the political leaders of the countries we are studying. Some countries have more than one leader. For an example, the United Kingdom has a Prime Minister named David Cameron but also has Queen Elizabeth the second. Germany is another country that has more than one leaders. Germany's leaders are President Joachim Gauck and Angela Merkel. Another country that has more than one leaders is Israel. Israel's leaders are President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Most of them only has one leader though. Brazil's leader is a women which is interesting because in most countries the leaders are usually men. Brazil's leader is President Dilma Rousseff. All of the other countries have men as their most important leader.  Also all of the other countries have presidents as their leaders. Unlike the United Kingdom who has a Prime Minister. During class today, we had about fifteen minutes to memorize all of these countries and their presidents or prime miniser because their was suppose to be a pop quiz. The quiz ended up being a few people going up in front of the class for a oral kind of quiz where they were given the country and they had to remember. Good thing I didn't have to go!

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