Monday, November 26, 2012

Class Today

During class today, we got our test back. I am pretty happy with the grade that I got. I got an A so that is good! We also talked about what is happening tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to have an assembly. The assemble speaker is going to be Gerry Sandusky. This is the good Gerry Sandusky, not the bad one. This assembly should be pretty interesting and I'm glad that we are having it. I can't wait to see what he has to say about what happen to him during this time of his life. After we talked about that, we started watching a video called "People's Republic of Capitalism". This video was taken place in Chongqing, China. Chongqing is on the river of Yangtze. Since it is on a river, China wants this city to be a big manufacturing city. In China, you are only allowed to have on child. That has been the law for decades. You are only allowed to have two kids if you live on a farm and need help to take care of it. This is the law because they are trying to make their population smaller. But since a earthquake happened in China, many families lost their child because of school and other things collapsing. Since they lost their only child, they are allowed to try and have another one if they are still young enough and if they have proof that their child has passed. This is a very bad time for China.

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