Monday, November 19, 2012

Today's Test

Today in class we took a test. This test was on the World Leaders. This was the third test we have taken on the world leaders, so it was pretty easy. The first part was on the first and second quiz so I'm pretty sure I got all of those right. The second part was on the second quiz so I'm pretty sure I got all those right too. Those parts were pretty easy. The third part was a little tricky. This was the first time taking this part of the test. The third part was about where the World Leader' country is located, what the leader looks like, or what is going on in his or her's country today and during this time. I'm hoping that I got all of those right but I'm not sure. I think I might have missed two or three but that is okay, I will get it next time. Hopefully I got a good grade on this test. If i didn't it might pulled my grade down and I don't want that to happen. Now I have to wait until after Thanksgiving brake to see what I got on the test because we don't have class tomorrow. Well, I'll guess I'll just have to wait and see!

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