Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Class Today

During class today, we continued watching the video "People's Republic of Capitalism". People in China will work for any amount of money that they can get. During the video, we watched Chinese men do construction work for only 4 dollars A DAY. In America, people wouldn't do that hard of work unless they got paid at least 10 dollars AN HOUR. The women in China that were helping to do this work got paid only 1 or 2 dollars A DAY. The women don't do as hard as the work that the men do but it is still tiring. The people in China get paid less a day than Americans do an hour. I think that is crazy! Now, if the people in China think that they should be paid more, their bosses will fire them because the bosses know that their are millions of people in China that would kill to work for that little amount of money. Also, today in America, people are losing their jobs to the people in China. This is because the people in China will work for less. Since they will work for less, the companies, that they are working for, are able to sell their products for less because they are saving money by paying their workers less. This means that people in America will by that product because it is cheaper. This as left a ton of people in America jobless.

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