Monday, November 12, 2012

Class Today

Today in class we got back the tests that we took on Friday. Like I said in my last blog, the test was pretty easy. On this test, I got every answer correct! This is the first time this year in this class that I've gotten a one hundred percent. Today in class all we did was go over the test so it was kinda boring. Then we started talking about drug cartel. A drug cartel is a person who has a business in selling and producing drugs. There are a lot of these people in Mexico. In Mexico, all of these drug cartels fight with each other. In some towns in Mexico, its not safe to go because these drug cartels are fighting and it is a possibility that you could get injured or maybe even die. It is very dangerous. Sometimes in Mexico, the police will find these drug cartels and try to take down their land. But sometimes the drug cartels will bribe the policemen by offering them more money than they make a year if they won't shut down their land. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't.

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