Friday, December 14, 2012

Exam Review

Today in class we finished reviewing for the exam. the exam is going to be on the first day, second exam. There is a lot of information on this exam that I cannot remember because we learned it so early in the year. I really need to start reviewing it! This exam is worth 150 points. Hopefully I will get a good grade on it so it wont bring my grade down. I have all the information that I need on my blog and on you blog so I have exactly what I need. I also have the entire study guide of what is on the test also so that is really helpful! I am going to review all the weekend and I will hopefully get a good grade on this test. I can't wait until all the exams are done si Christmas break can start! Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Starting to Review for the Midterm

Today in class we talked about the Midterm. This midterm is on the first day but it is the second test we will take that day. We just started going over the midterm today and the test is on Monday! Everything we need to know is on your blog under "Links that don't Stink". Today we talked about some stuff that I really need to review because I didn't remember anything that we were talking about! We talked about some stuff today including Socrates. Socrates was a Greek philosopher who walked around the town that he lived in asking questions to get people to start thinking critically. The government considered this to be bothering the youth. Socrates also didn't believe in the gods like the other people did. The government didn't like this also so Socrates was then arrested and put to death by drinking a poison called Hemlock. Hemlock caused you to stop breathing and caused a very painful death. Socrates' method of getting people to start thinking critically is now called the Socratic Method.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Presentation Day

Today in class each group presented their presentation. There were five groups in my class. Each person in the class was given a piece of paper with each group's name on it. After each presentation each person graded the other groups on how you think they did. We even had to grade our own! I thought all the groups did pretty well so I gave everyone pretty good grade. No on got below an 80 when I graded them so I think that is pretty good. I think my presentation turned out pretty well but we forgot a few things. We forgot to put an ad on the presentation so that's a pretty big mistake but it's okay. We made it up with the other things that we provided  on the presentation. Since I watched the other presentations, I learned a few interesting facts about the products that they chose. These presentation will come in mind the next time I buy one of the products that the other groups presented.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today's Class

On Friday's class we were told that we will have to present a presentation on either an American made product or a foreign made product. Each group got to choose out of a hat what topic they will be presenting. My group got foreign made product. We choose the iPhone. The iPhone is designed in the United States but is made in China. We are trying to figure out why Apple would want to have their product made in China instead of the United States. We are also have to compare the iPhone to a product that is made here in the United States. We also learned that some Apple products are actually starting to be made in the United States, like some of their computer. This is interesting because most of their stuff is made in China even though it was designed in California. We have to finish this presentation by Wednesday because that is when we are presenting it. We don't have class tomorrow so we have to do it on our own. Hopefully we will have it done by Wednesday so we can present our project. Wish us luck!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Today's Class

Today in class we finished the YouTube video called "People's Republic of Capitalism 3". We also were told that we will be having to present a project on an object either made in a foreign country or made in the United States. Every group got to pick out of a hat to see if they would have an object made in the United States or an Cheap Foreign object. My group got the cheap foreign object. For our object, we chose the iPhone. This object was designed in California but it was made in China. We are trying to find out why Apple chose to have their product made in China instead of in America. I think it is because it is cheaper labor over there so they don't have to pay as much. But i will soon know the real reason why they chose to have their object made in China even though it was designed here in the United States.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today's Class

During class today we watched a YouTube video called "People's Republic of Capitalism 3". this video was mostly about Chinese people buying cars for the first time. These Chinese people are around thirty and forty years old and this is the FIRST time that they are buying or even driving  a car. In America, most people start driving around the age of sixteen and sometimes they even get their first car during that time. The Chinese don't buy cars when they are younger because they save up the money that they need to buy the car. They do this because if they buy a car and lose their job, then they won't be able to pay for the car. In America, it is much different. People in America buy the car even if they don't have all the money right away because they pay it off over the years. Also eight out of ten people in China pay with cash to buy their first car. This is also much different from the United States. In the United States, people don't even carry that much cash with them. The Americans usually pay with a credit card. So this proves that China and America are two totally different countries.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Definitions and Today's Class

capitalism: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit. The word capitalism is now quite commonly used to describe the social system in which we now live. In capitalism, you own your own business or you work for someone who owns their own business. Maintained by private individuals or corporations. 

communism: a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. classless. suppose to be fair. suppose to let people have enough money but not an enormous amount. 

free enterprise: An economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control. Free enterprise is also an economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership

free market: An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses. Free market is also know as market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government control. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

More about the Video

We continued watching the video "People's Republic of Capitalism" during class today. We practically talked about the same thing that we talked about yesterday, how countries rely on each other. I also learned that it is better that China keeps making the products that we use here even though people here lose their jobs to the Chinese. It's better if the Chinese keeps making them because we get them for cheaper. If we didn't buy our goods and products from China then everything would be A LOT more expensive because it would be made here in the United States. It would be more expensive because the companies that are selling these good have to pay their works a lot more money than the bosses in China have to pay theirs. People in China will work for a fraction of what people here in the US get paid every hour. But then, this is also bad because a lot of people here in the United States lose their jobs and have to find a new one even if they are a little older and shouldn't really be looking for one. But would you rather have a job with more expensive products or less expensive products and a job? It is all a matter of an opinion whether this is good or bad.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

More of the Video

During class today, we once again continued watching the video, "People's Republic of Capitalism". During this part of the video, we learned how every country relies on each other. This is called interdependence. For an example, we need China because China makes products for lower pay. This then let's us have lower prices in the United States. An example of this Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart gets most of their products from China. Wal-Mart slogan is "Everyday low prices". This is why Wal-Mart gets a lot of business, because of their low prices. Another example of interdependence is that China needs us to keep buying their products so they can make money and so people will get their jobs. If we didn't buy products from China a ton of people there, like in the United States, would lose there jobs. One more example of interdependence is how the Mexicans in Mexico needs us to help them get jobs. Illegal immigrants from Mexico cross the boarded into the United States to get jobs and make money. These are just a few examples of interdependence.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Class Today

During class today, we continued watching the video "People's Republic of Capitalism". People in China will work for any amount of money that they can get. During the video, we watched Chinese men do construction work for only 4 dollars A DAY. In America, people wouldn't do that hard of work unless they got paid at least 10 dollars AN HOUR. The women in China that were helping to do this work got paid only 1 or 2 dollars A DAY. The women don't do as hard as the work that the men do but it is still tiring. The people in China get paid less a day than Americans do an hour. I think that is crazy! Now, if the people in China think that they should be paid more, their bosses will fire them because the bosses know that their are millions of people in China that would kill to work for that little amount of money. Also, today in America, people are losing their jobs to the people in China. This is because the people in China will work for less. Since they will work for less, the companies, that they are working for, are able to sell their products for less because they are saving money by paying their workers less. This means that people in America will by that product because it is cheaper. This as left a ton of people in America jobless.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Class Today

During class today, we got our test back. I am pretty happy with the grade that I got. I got an A so that is good! We also talked about what is happening tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to have an assembly. The assemble speaker is going to be Gerry Sandusky. This is the good Gerry Sandusky, not the bad one. This assembly should be pretty interesting and I'm glad that we are having it. I can't wait to see what he has to say about what happen to him during this time of his life. After we talked about that, we started watching a video called "People's Republic of Capitalism". This video was taken place in Chongqing, China. Chongqing is on the river of Yangtze. Since it is on a river, China wants this city to be a big manufacturing city. In China, you are only allowed to have on child. That has been the law for decades. You are only allowed to have two kids if you live on a farm and need help to take care of it. This is the law because they are trying to make their population smaller. But since a earthquake happened in China, many families lost their child because of school and other things collapsing. Since they lost their only child, they are allowed to try and have another one if they are still young enough and if they have proof that their child has passed. This is a very bad time for China.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Today's Test

Today in class we took a test. This test was on the World Leaders. This was the third test we have taken on the world leaders, so it was pretty easy. The first part was on the first and second quiz so I'm pretty sure I got all of those right. The second part was on the second quiz so I'm pretty sure I got all those right too. Those parts were pretty easy. The third part was a little tricky. This was the first time taking this part of the test. The third part was about where the World Leader' country is located, what the leader looks like, or what is going on in his or her's country today and during this time. I'm hoping that I got all of those right but I'm not sure. I think I might have missed two or three but that is okay, I will get it next time. Hopefully I got a good grade on this test. If i didn't it might pulled my grade down and I don't want that to happen. Now I have to wait until after Thanksgiving brake to see what I got on the test because we don't have class tomorrow. Well, I'll guess I'll just have to wait and see!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Today's Class

During class today we finished going over the countries and when and how they became independent. Today I learned that Saudi Arabia's independence day is actually the day that the kingdom was created. This day is called "Unification of the Kingdom". Saudi Arabia's "independence day" is September 23, 1932. I also learned that Saudi Arabia was never ruled by another country. We also talked about the Untied Kingdom during this class. The United Kingdom has never been ruled by another country. But The Untied Kingdom has ruled a lot of other countries. It once ruled America, which is now one the biggest countries in the world. We also talked about this paper that we have to write over the weekend. This paper has to be about two different countries and their relationship with the Untied States. I am thinking about doing The Untied Kingdom and Mexico has my two countries but I'm not really sure. Hopefully I can make up my mind and write a well-written paragraph.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today's Class

Today is class we started going over the history and independence day's of the countries that we have been studying. We didn't get through all of them but we got through most. I learned a few things about these countries. Here are some things that I learned. Afghanistan's independence day is August 19, 1919. Right now in Afghanistan, there is a war going on. I also learned that Brazil was once ruled by Portugal. Brazil then took over their independence in 1822. So the official date of independence for Brazil is September 17, 1822. Another thing that I learned was that France doesn't actually have an "independence day". They have a national festival called English Bastille Day, which is on July 14, 1789. This is their "independence day". One last thing that I learned was that Germany was once under the control of France. After World War II, the allies and the Russians took over Germany. The allies were in control of west and the Russians were in control of the east. These are just a few things that I learned today about some of the countries.

Political Geography Research

United States

Declared independence on July 4, 1776

From the 1500s through the 1700s, they were settled and colonized by the Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and other European nations.  The original thirteen colonies were held by Great Britain until the Revolutionary War, after which they became the first thirteen states.  There are now 50 states in the United States.  The United States is considered the last true superpower, with the world's largest military and the world's largest economy.


Israel became an independent state on May 14, 1948

Following World War Two, the newly-formed United Nations drafted a treaty dividing up some of Palestine's land.  They established an independent Arab state and an independent Jewish state.  Many Jews emigrated to the new nation of Israel post WWII.  Creation of this new Jewish state was not universally accepted by Arabs, even though Israel was officially admitted to the UN on May 11, 1949.  There is still controversy surrounding Israel's very existence in the Middle East.


China's official date of independence is October 1, 1949.

China is one of the world's oldest civilizations.  As long ago as 221 BC, China was unified as a nation during the Qin dynasty.  They formed a republic on January 1, 1912.  The current Communist government, officially called the People's Republic of China, was formed in 1949.  


Afghanistan's official date of independence is August 19, 1919.

The Hotaki dynasty was established in Kandahar followed by Ahmad Shah Durrani's rise to power in 1747. In the last 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in the "Great Game" between the British and Russian empires. Following the Third Angelo-Afghan War in 1919 and the singing of the Treaty of Rawalpindi, King Amanullah started modernizing the country. The Untied States and the Soviet Union began spreading their influences into Afghanistan in 1947. There is a current war going on now. Rocky, mountains, and bumpy land is what Afghanistan's landscape includes. 


Brazil's official date of independence is September 7th, 1822. 

Brazil was claimed by Portugal in April 1500. In 1808, the army of French Emperor Napoleon I invaded Portugal, forcing the Portuguese royal into exile. They established themselves in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janiero, which then became the unofficial seat of the entire Portuguese Empire. Brazil then took over their independence in 1822.
Been an independent country for over 200 years. 


France does not have an Independence day. France has been independent since the Romans left. In France, there is a National Festival called English Bastille Day, which is on July 14, 1789. This is France's "date of independence". France used to have a monarchy until the 1700s. At the time, King Louis XIV made France the leading country in Europe. France's monarchy was destroyed after the war in 1789. France was never owned by another country. 


Germany's independence day is January 18, 1871. This is the day Germany became one country again, after 40 years of dictatorship. Germany was never one country before October 3. Germany was part of thirty year war. Germany divided into numerous independent states. Germany was once under control of France. After world war 2, the allies took over Germany and divided it. Military was dismantled. Allies were in charge of west Germany and the Russians were in charge of east Germany. 


India gained independence on August 15, 1947. Mahatma Gandhi led millions of people to gain independence from Britain. European powers such as Portugal and many others established trading posts in India. Later they established colonies. They were once controlled by Great Britain. They were under the rule of the United Kingdom and that's how they gained their independence. They didn't have to go through war to gain their independence. They were free.  


Iran achieved independence on April 1, 1979. Iran didn't have a stable government before 1979. They gained their independence when then threw the shah out of power. Iran was always Iran, it was ruled by many empires through the years.  


Mexico was declared independence on September 16, 1810. The organized date of independence by Spain was September 27, 1821. Mexico gained it's independence from Spain. Mexico is officially called United Mexican States. It was conquered and colonized by Spain in the early 16th century. They were subjects of Spain. 

Saudi Arabia 

Saudi Arabia's independence day is September 23, 1932. Saudi Arabia's independence day is actually the day that the kingdom was created. This day is know called "Unification of the Kingdom". Saudi Arabia was never ruled by another empire. Saudi Arabia has been an absolute monarchy ever since it's inception. 

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has never been ruled by another country. The United Kingdom is an island located Northeast of Europe. The United Kingdom has ruled many other countries but has never been ruled by another. The sun never set on the British Empire. Once ruled America, which is now one of the biggest countries in the world.  


Venezuela declared it's independence from Spain on July 5, 1811. It is located in Northern South America. Venezuela was one of three countries the emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830. For most of the first half of the 20th century, Venezuela was ruled by generally benevolent military strongmen. These men promoted the oil industry and allowed for some social reforms . They were subjects of Spain. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Class Today

Today in class we got back the tests that we took on Friday. Like I said in my last blog, the test was pretty easy. On this test, I got every answer correct! This is the first time this year in this class that I've gotten a one hundred percent. Today in class all we did was go over the test so it was kinda boring. Then we started talking about drug cartel. A drug cartel is a person who has a business in selling and producing drugs. There are a lot of these people in Mexico. In Mexico, all of these drug cartels fight with each other. In some towns in Mexico, its not safe to go because these drug cartels are fighting and it is a possibility that you could get injured or maybe even die. It is very dangerous. Sometimes in Mexico, the police will find these drug cartels and try to take down their land. But sometimes the drug cartels will bribe the policemen by offering them more money than they make a year if they won't shut down their land. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Friday's Class

During class today, we took another test on the world leaders. On this test, we got to use our blog so it helped a lot! The first part of this test was exactly the same as the other test we just took a few days ago. So it was pretty easy. Then the second part of the test was all about the leader's life before or during their time in office. After the test we started talking about colonialism and imperialism. Colonialism is the most developed form of imperialism. Colonialism is when the controlling states invade other states to exploit resources and for large scale immigration. Imperialism is the process through which a state attempts to control the economic, political and/or cultural make up of another state. These things can be good or bad, it just depends on how they happen. Hopefully I will learn more about these things on Monday.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today's Class

Today during class we went over more about the leaders of the world. Some new things that I learned was that Abdullah, Prime Minister of Saudi Arbia, has thirty five kids and has had thirteen wives. I also learned that Pranab Mukherjee, President of India, is a finance minister meaning that he is involved in the economy. He is also an author. Another interesting fact that I learned was the Hugo Chavez was in prison for two years. He has a military background and attended the Academy of Military and Sciences of Venezuela and he has a military background. During class today, I told the class how Angela Merkel is the forth most powerful women in the world. I also learned that I do not know where Germany is on the map. Tomorrow we have a test on matching the leaders with their picture and facts about them. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today's Class and Facts about Obama

Today during class, we started going over the interesting facts about the leaders of the world. I learned some interesting things. For example, I learned that Dilma Rousself, President of Brazil, went to jail for 2 years and was tortured because she tired to coup d'etat meaning that she tired to take over the country by using the military but it didn't work. After she got out of jail, she still wanted to rule Brazil and she is now the President of Brazil. We also learned that Hamid Karzai is a potential victim for assassination. One more interesting thing we learned was that Hu Jintao, President of China, took China from a country that had many problems and made it a pretty well developed country. Today we also were told that Barack Obama won our election. Some interesting things about him are:

  • Barack Obama is the first African American to ever be President. This will be Obama's second term as President of the United States. 
  • He is the first President ever to be born in Hawaii. 
  • Before becoming President, Obama was Senator of Illinois in 1996
  • Obama went to Hartford Law School. 
  • he did many things for the community before he started his career in polotics
  • earned his way through college by getting scholar ships and earning money 
There are many more interesting things about Obama but those are just some. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

About the Leaders of the World

Enrique Peña Nieto:
  • He joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party in 1964 as a start of his political beginning. 
  • Before Enrique became president, he was Governor of Mexico during the years of 2005-2011. 
  • he said that he will try to get a better economy and lower the drug violence. 
  • marches against him have brought many people together because people don't like him
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud:
  • Before Abdullah was Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, he was became Commander of Saudi National Guard in 1963. This post allowed him to secure his position in the House of Saud. 
  • On June 13, 1982, when King Khalid died, Abdullah became prince and Fahd bin Abdulaziz became king. Then in August 2005, when King Fahd bin Abdulaziz died, Abdullah became King.
  • Didn't become president until recently.
  • At least 35 kids: one SON would become king if he died. 
  • He has 13 wives. 
Angela Merkel:
  • Angela Merkel has been described as "the de facto leader of the European Union" and is currently ranked as the world's forth most powerful person by Forbes magazine, the highest ranking ever achieved by a women.
  • On May 30, 2005 Merkel won the CDU/CSU nomination as a challenger to Chancellor Gerhard Schroder of the SPD in the 2005 national elections.  
Benjamin Netanyahu:
  • Netanyahu joined the Israeli Defense Forces during the 1967 Six-Day War and became a team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces unit. He took part in many missions including Operation Gift and Operation Isotope during which he was shot in the shoulder. 
  • Netanyahu first became Prime Minister in 1996-1999
  • First guy born in Israel to become their President.
  • On every single flight going in or out of Israel they have 2 armed guards on EVERY flight. 
Hu Jintao:
  • Hu is the first leader of the Communist Party with any significant revolutionary credentials. 
  • Hu is the current longest-serving leader of any G20 nations, though he is widely excepted to step down as party general secretary at CPC 18th National Congress in November 2012. 
  • He took China from a country that had many problems to a well developed country. 
  • He had a plan to make the population less. 
  • first crisis has the president was when the disease that killed babies came to China.
  • won't be leader much longer 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
  • Before Mahmoud was President of Iran, he was a teacher.
  • He took role as President on August 3, 2005 and his second presidency term ends on August 3, 2013. He is not eligible to run for another term under the current Iranian constitution.
  • he supports Iran's nuclear energy program
Hamid Karzai: 
  •  Hamid went to Pakistan to work as a fundraiser for the anticommunist mujahideen during the 1980s Soviet war in Afghanistan.
  •  Hamid was the first democratically elected leader of Afghanistan.
  • Brother was a druggy: arrested and had a case against him
  • Potential victim of an assassination many times- four times.  
  • Tale-pan was in charge before Hamid came along. 
François Hollande: 
  • He gained French citizenship after being left behind on a school exchange trip to Rouen.
  • He is the first French President since Nicolas Sarkozy.
  • He was special adviser for the President before he got elected. 
Pranab Mukherjee:
  • Pranab is India's 13th president.
  • Mukherjee was once famous for smoking his trademark Dunhill pipe. He gave up smoking many years ago.
  • finance minister- involved in economy
  • he is also an author
Hugo Chavez:
  • Chavez was a former lieutenant colonel
  • Chavez won the presidential election in 1998 and took office the following year.
  • attended the academy of military services and sciences of Venezuela
  • military background
David Cameron: 
  • David Cameron entered office in May 2010 as the first Conservative prime minister of Britain since John Major left office in 1997.
  • David Cameron is one of the youngest prime ministers Britain has ever had. 
  • thought that giving weapons and training to the middle east would help to solve peace.
  • involved in drug scandel 
Dilma Rousseff
  • Dilma is Brazil's first women President
  • She is a former leftist militant.
  • First women elected President in Brazil
  • Early 20s she tried to over throw the government, but was captured and jailed. She was in jail for two years and was tortured. ---coup d'etat: trying to take over the country through the military 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Class Today

During class today we went over all the political leaders of the countries we are studying. Some countries have more than one leader. For an example, the United Kingdom has a Prime Minister named David Cameron but also has Queen Elizabeth the second. Germany is another country that has more than one leaders. Germany's leaders are President Joachim Gauck and Angela Merkel. Another country that has more than one leaders is Israel. Israel's leaders are President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Most of them only has one leader though. Brazil's leader is a women which is interesting because in most countries the leaders are usually men. Brazil's leader is President Dilma Rousseff. All of the other countries have men as their most important leader.  Also all of the other countries have presidents as their leaders. Unlike the United Kingdom who has a Prime Minister. During class today, we had about fifteen minutes to memorize all of these countries and their presidents or prime miniser because their was suppose to be a pop quiz. The quiz ended up being a few people going up in front of the class for a oral kind of quiz where they were given the country and they had to remember. Good thing I didn't have to go!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Yesterday's Class

I couldn't blog yesterday because my internet was down becuase of hurricane Sandy. But yesterday during class we went over the test. Then we started doing more on political leaders. I finished this assignment during friday's class so for the rest of the class I just played on my computer and did other homework for other classes. Sorry I couldn't get this in earlier.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Countries and their Leaders

Government: based federal republic                                                
President Enrique Nieto                                                                   
 Felipe Calderón                                                                                         

 Parliamentary system governemnt
President Pranab Mukherjee

    Pranab Mukherjee

Single- party state government                                           
President: Hu Jintao                                                               

Hu Jintao                                                                

Presidential system government, islamic
President Hamid Karzai
   Hamid Karzai

Islamic republic, Unitaty state, Theocracy                                    
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad                   
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad                                                                     

Liberal democracy, Parliamentary
President Shimon Peres; Prime Mister Ben Netanyahu

  Shimon Peres

Democracy, Parliamentary republic, Federal republic                       
President Joachim Gauck; Angela Merkel            
Joachim Gauck                                                                         

United Kingdom:
Hereditary monarchy
Prime Minister David Cameron; Queen Elizabeth 2
  David Cameron

Semi-presidential system, Constitutional republic             
President François Hollande                                                          
François Hollande                                                       

Presidential system, constitutional federal

President Dilma Rousseff
 Dilma Rousseff

Federal republic government                                              
President Hugo Chavez                                                           
Hugo Chávez                                         

Saudi Arabia:
Unitary State, Islamic State, Absolue
Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
 Abdullah of Saudi Arabia